
Plateau “a masterpiece of the grotesque”

Comic scenes and monologues that bring to mind the humor of Monty Python’s movies, amuse and worry at the same time Joanna Sarnecka reviews Plateau for the main on-line dance editorial taniecpolska.pl [eng dancepoland.pl]


“a cosmopolitan bigos” – Plateau review

a cosmopolitan bigos, deconstructing national symbols, mocking lofty values and great ideals, and at the same time spiced with British humor. […] The performes have no easy task, but they cope well with the demanding scenario – both dance and acting wise. Magdalena Mirkut-Majeranek reviews “Plateau” for the Theatre Daily. Read the whole review in… Read more »


Plateau Premiere !

A fusion of dance and theatre, an old buffalo in new ballet shoes, a wild boar with wings! It is the combined work of Maciej Kuźmiński and Paul Bargetto, an emigrant director from USA – a high wire balancing act of collaboration, with death defying leaps, will soon land in Rozbark Theatre Tickets on sale… Read more »


Premiera Plateau

To, co niedługo zobaczycie, jest połączeniem tańca i teatru, starego bawoła w nowych baletkach i dzika ze skrzydłami. Wspólne dzieło Macieja Kuźmińskiego i Paula Bargetto, reżysera emigranta z USA, nadleci wkrótce do Bytomia. Premiera 22 i 23 marca w Teatrze Rozbark. Bilety już w sprzedaży!


Susanne Wolke reviews I fought Piranhas

Monika Witkowska from Poland danced to present the terrible political situation in her country, especially the attempt to tighten the abortion law, for which she received public applause. Susanne Wolke in Donau Post


It’s Gonna Rain Holland tour

The winter tour of the TWOOLS evening of Scapino Ballet Rotterdam theater begins, and with it goes It’s Gonna Rain – Kuźmiński latest work. 20 performances will be hosted in 13 Dutch cities. Come see us.


Zimowe Tournee It’s Gonna Rain

Rozpoczyna się zimowe tournée teatru Scapino Ballet Rotterdam, a w tym spektaklu It’s Gonna Rain Kuźmińskiego będącego częścią programu Twools. 20 przedstawień zagości w 13 holenderskich miastach.