Maciej Kuźmiński speaks about the conditions and perspectives of the Polish Dance Network for the leadin Polish art portal
Maciej Kuźmiński opowiada o założeniach i perspektywach Polskiej Sieci Tańca dla portalu
We’d like to proudly announce that on the 19th of November 2017 a new important structure was created – Polska Sieć Tańca.
Z przyjemnością ogłaszamy, iż 19 listopada 2017 r. zainicjowana została Polska Sieć Tańca.
Witkowska performs dynamic choreography with technical precision, energy and commitment. The heroine’s internal opposition to the situation is palpable, and the will to fight has authenticity, which makes the whole convincing. Read the in-depth whole review in Polish by Weronika Łucyk