The autumn tour of Maciej Kuźmiński’s performances begins within days. Performances of After Before, Archipelago and I fought Piranhas will be hosted in 13 cities in Poland.
“The work draws the viewer into it’s inner world, subtlely regulating the changes of the mood, reflecting elusiveness of the past and subjectivity of memory” – Hanna Raszewska
“Delving into this bizarre, non-linear world of Archipelago, a series of incredibly aesthetic, surrealistic images, one can experience the very nature of time” – Joanna Sarnecka
“Zanurzając się w ten dziwny, nieciągły świat archipelagu, serię niezwykle estetycznych surrealistycznych obrazów, można doświadczyć, czym w istocie jest czas.” – pisze Joanna Sarnecka dla portalu taniec POLSKA [pl].
The re-make of Archipelago ( Caro Dance Theatre | Maciej Kuźmiński ) goes on tour to 9 Polish cities. Each show is preceded with specially tailored workshops for the audience with dancers of the Company. Come see us perform near you !