
Susanne Wolke reviews I fought Piranhas

Monika Witkowska from Poland danced to present the terrible political situation in her country, especially the attempt to tighten the abortion law, for which she received public applause. Susanne Wolke in Donau Post


I fought Piranhas danced with “defiant anger”

The solo piece “I fought Piranhas” by the Polish choreographer and company director Maciej Kuźmiński was read like a feminist statement, danced viciously and with defiant anger by Monika Witkowska. Read whole review in German by Michael Scheiner from Mittelbayerishe Zeitung.


I fought Piranhas at charity Gala

The award-winning solo performance for Monika Witkowska will be one of the program’s points at the Charity Gala in German Regensburg.


I fought Piranhas in Warsaw Studio Theatre

Solo I fought Piranhas will be presented at the Studio Theater in Warsaw as part of the 30th Scene Dance Studio platform. Come see us @ the Studio Theater on 30 October. More information about the event under this link (in Polish)


I fought Piranhas w Teatrze Studio

Solo I fought Piranhas zostanie pokazne w Teatrze Studio w Warszawie w ramach 30. odsłony Sceny Tańca Studio. Zapraszamy 30 października do Teatru Studio. Więcej informacji pod tym linkiem


Jesienne tournée

Rozpoczyna się jesienne tournée przedstawień Macieja Kuźmińskiego. Przedstawienia After Before, Archipelag oraz I fought Piranhas zagoszczą w 13 miastach w Polsce.


Spring Polish Tour

The autumn tour of Maciej Kuźmiński’s performances begins within days. Performances of After Before, Archipelago and I fought Piranhas will be hosted in 13 cities in Poland.


Awarded I Fought Piranhas in Hannover

We are very happy to announce that we got a Production Prize by Theater Regensburg Tanz for I Fought Piranhas, awarded by the director Yuki Mori.