
a new work needs your support

On the border visual and performance art, about finding anew the lost humanity and a transhuman-like desire to cross boundaries of mortality. i – the new work by Maciej Kuźmiński needs your support to be finished.


Poszukiwany producent spektaklu

Przedstawienie na granicy sztuk wizualnych i teatru, o odnajdywaniu utraconego człowieczeństwa na nowo. Szukamy wsparcia, aby dokończyć rozpoczęty już projekt.


Awarded I Fought Piranhas in Hannover

We are very happy to announce that we got a Production Prize by Theater Regensburg Tanz for I Fought Piranhas, awarded by the director Yuki Mori. 


It’s gonna rain pastiche

“I loved the pastiche of the Dance of the Little Swans from Swan Lake by three masked dancers.” – Michael Hasted