Kuźmiński bridges beauty and concept perfectly - Dance Tabs [UK] 
impressive rawness of the choreography and performance itself - Dans Magazine [NL] 
the strong and floating movement of Kuźmiński reaches to the core - Lapin Kansa [FI] 
touched on a serious subject, and played it with humour - Stuttgarter Nachrichten [DE] 
interesting and dense spectacle that goes far beyond the dance theater. - Gazeta Wyborcza [PL]
Maciej Kuźmiński is a young, polish choreographer creating since 2014. His works, formally daring, with grounded, dynamic movement, revolve around existential and philosophy concepts. Since 2014 the artist's creations have been presented over 160 times in 20 countries, gradually gaining international recognition, along with multiple awards for choreography.
In 2019 his works found their way in the repertoire of Scapino Ballet Rotterdam, Polish Dance Theatre,
Theatre Regensburg Tanz and Rozbark Theatre.
Kuźmiński bridges beauty and concept perfectly - Dance Tabs [UK] 
impressive rawness of the choreography and performance itself - Dans Magazine [NL] 
the strong and floating movement of Kuźmiński reaches to the core - Lapin Kansa [FI] 
touched on a serious subject, and played it with humour - Stuttgarter Nachrichten [DE] 
interesting and dense spectacle that goes far beyond the dance theater. - Gazeta Wyborcza [PL]
Maciej Kuźmiński is a young, polish choreographer creating since 2014. His works, formally daring, with grounded, dynamic movement, revolve around existential and philosophy concepts. Since 2014 the artist's creations have been presented over 160 times in 20 countries, gradually gaining international recognition, along with multiple awards for choreography.
In 2019 his works found their way in the repertoire of Scapino Ballet Rotterdam, Polish Dance Theatre, Theatre Regensburg Tanz and Rozbark Theatre.
Kuźmiński bridges beauty and concept perfectly - Dance Tabs [UK] 
impressive rawness of the choreography and performance itself - Dans Magazine [NL] 
the strong and floating movement of Kuźmiński reaches to the core - Lapin Kansa [FI] 
touched on a serious subject, and played it with humour - Stuttgarter Nachrichten [DE] 
interesting and dense spectacle that goes far beyond the dance theater. - Gazeta Wyborcza [PL]
Maciej Kuźmiński is a young, polish choreographer creating since 2014. His works, formally daring, with grounded, dynamic movement, revolve around existential and philosophy concepts. Since 2014 the artist's creations have been presented over 160 times in 20 countries, gradually gaining international recognition, along with multiple awards for choreography.
In 2019 his works found their way in the repertoire of Scapino Ballet Rotterdam, Polish Dance Theatre, Theatre Regensburg Tanz and Rozbark Theatre.
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