Monika Witkowska from Poland danced to present the terrible political situation in her country, especially the attempt to tighten the abortion law, for which she received public applause. Susanne Wolke in Donau Post
The winter tour of the TWOOLS evening of Scapino Ballet Rotterdam theater begins, and with it goes It’s Gonna Rain – Kuźmiński latest work. 20 performances will be hosted in 13 Dutch cities. Come see us.
Rozpoczyna się zimowe tournée teatru Scapino Ballet Rotterdam, a w tym spektaklu It’s Gonna Rain Kuźmińskiego będącego częścią programu Twools. 20 przedstawień zagości w 13 holenderskich miastach.
The solo piece “I fought Piranhas” by the Polish choreographer and company director Maciej Kuźmiński was read like a feminist statement, danced viciously and with defiant anger by Monika Witkowska. Read whole review in German by Michael Scheiner from Mittelbayerishe Zeitung.
The award-winning solo performance for Monika Witkowska will be one of the program’s points at the Charity Gala in German Regensburg.
Nagradzane solo w wykonaniu Moniki Witkowskiej będzie jednym z punktów programu na Gali Charytatywnej w niemieckiej Ratysbonie.