Maciej Kuźmiński succeeded in creating a successful – inspiring and exciting – spectacle by combining Edward Stachura’s prose, music and dance. Read the full review by Piotr Dobrowolski about Kuźmiński’s Fabula Rasa performed by the Polish Dance Theatre
Against the background of patriotically associated music we see a set of motion clichés, which can constitute a satirical image of modern society (not only Polish) An in-depth review of Fabula Rasa by Polish Dance Theatre has appeared on Poznań cultural website.
I have not encountered such an excellent choreography for a long time
Fabula Rasa premiere
This spectacle is not to be watched. This spectacle is to be discovered. November 20th at 20.00 in the Great Hall of the Zamek Culture Center in Poznań, we will see the latest work for the Polish Dance Theater – Fabula rasa choreographed by Maciej Kuźmiński. It will be a disturbing, hypnotic journey into the… Read more »
In the middle of April 2018 Maciej Kuźmiński is going to prepare the workshop for the dancers of the Polish Dance Theatre.
It is a pleasure to announce a renewal of educational collaboration between Maciej Kuźmiński and the Polish Dance Theatre.