
Fabula Rasa premiere

This spectacle is not to be watched. This spectacle is to be discovered.  November 20th at 20.00 in the Great Hall of the Zamek Culture Center in Poznań, we will… Read more »


Polish Dance Platform 2019

Those were full of beautiful people and dance four days at the Polish Dance Platform 2019 in Gdansk!


Plateau website

Plateau website is on-line now. Have a look at the great photos by Aleksander Joachimiak and trailers by Paweł Szymkowiak.Plateau website


Koszyk Zadań – warsztaty w Warszawie

Maciej Kuźmiński był jednym z pedagogów II-giej edycji warsztatów Ways of Being, organizowanych przez Movement Direction od 12-15 lipca. Zobacz podsumowanie wideo


Composition workshops in Warsaw

Maciej Kuźmiński was one of the mentors of the second edition of the Ways of Being workshops, organized by Movement Direction in Warsaw from July 12-15.


Mittelbayerishe o Ampelmenschen

Pod nieustanną presją, w bezlitosnej konkurencji, aż do upadku świata Michael Scheiner pisze o Ampelmenschen na łamach Mittelbayerishe Zeitung. Przeczytaj pełną recenzję wieczoru Tanz.Fabrik!Sieben pod tym linkiem


Ampelmenschen – review

under constant stress in merciless competition until the world collapses Michael Scheiner writes about Ampelmenschen for the Mittelbayerishe Zeitung. Read the whole review of Tanz.Fabrik!Sieben evening under this link


“amusing-ironic” Ampelmenschen

a very intellectual although by no means pretentious, but rather amusingly ironic. Stefan Rimek reviews Ampelmenshen, along with the whole Tanz.Fabrik!Sieben in Donau Post Read the whole review here