
Jesienne tournée

Rozpoczyna się jesienne tournée przedstawień Macieja Kuźmińskiego. Przedstawienia After Before, Archipelag oraz I fought Piranhas zagoszczą w 13 miastach w Polsce.


Spring Polish Tour

The autumn tour of Maciej Kuźmiński’s performances begins within days. Performances of After Before, Archipelago and I fought Piranhas will be hosted in 13 cities in Poland.


Meet us at International Tanzmesse NRW

Maciej Kuźmiński Company is exhibiting once more at the International Tanzmesse NRW in Düsseldorf, Germany. Meet us at our Booth #50 to get a glimpse of the raw and visual work of this young Polish dance artist.


a new work needs your support

On the border visual and performance art, about finding anew the lost humanity and a transhuman-like desire to cross boundaries of mortality. i – the new work by Maciej Kuźmiński needs your support to be finished.


Poszukiwany producent spektaklu

Przedstawienie na granicy sztuk wizualnych i teatru, o odnajdywaniu utraconego człowieczeństwa na nowo. Szukamy wsparcia, aby dokończyć rozpoczęty już projekt.


Awarded I Fought Piranhas in Hannover

We are very happy to announce that we got a Production Prize by Theater Regensburg Tanz for I Fought Piranhas, awarded by the director Yuki Mori.